Via Cristoforo Castellaneta 47 70023 Gioia del Colle - Bari Italy Mon-Fri 8.30-19.00, Sat 9.00-14.00 , Sun Closed

The policy operated by Dr. Loperfido in ensuring the quality of his structure has brought the EuroQuality Lab to an important recognition; in fact, ACCREDIA (former Sinal) is accredited since 1998 (accreditation n°. 0207) since it operates in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard for numerous tests in the chemical, microbiological and residual fields for different matrices, the list of tests is visible on the ACCREDIA website ( Certification UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 (DNVGL).

High standards for each product category

To guarantee its level of technical competence, the laboratory constantly participates in inter-laboratory circuits (ringtests) organised by associations and research centres, including LGC, the Italian BreedersAssociation, FAPAS, UNICHIM, and ARPA Ferrara. The validation by Coop Italia was obtainedfor carrying out residual analyses on their suppliers of fruit and vegetables and theauthorisation to carry out analyses of plant protection product residues in theorganic sector was also obtained. (MIPAF). Registration in the Fruit monitoring registryof laboratories certified to perform analyses for the monitoring of residues in fresh fruits, vegetables and potatoes and for entering the results in the corresponding database (registry available on the site The EuroQuality Lab is included in the list of laboratories approved by "QS - Fachgesellschaft Obst-Gemüse- Kartoffeln GmbH " for analysing residues in fresh fruit, vegetables, and potatoes