Via Cristoforo Castellaneta 47 70023 Gioia del Colle - Bari Italy Mon-Fri 8.30-19.00, Sat 9.00-14.00 , Sun Closed

What are our areas of expertise?


Chemical-pysical and microbiological determinations on milk and milk products, meats and meats products, seafood products, fruit and vegetables, cereals, pasta, bakery products, vegetal oils, feed and wine.


Phytosanitary products, pcb/pct, organic solvents, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, phenols, mycotoxins, heavy metals.


Physical-chemical and microbiological determinations on liquid and solid waste, emissions, land, fertilisers and hospital analyses (LAL Test on dialysis waters included).

We have laboratories for the following specialities:


For the control of the quality and hygiene of raw materials and their derivatives, for the verification of environmental control procedures of production and marketing companies and for the identification of bacterial species that can cause the emergence of hygienic-sanitary problems, in all the phases in which foods are involved. Controls are performed by observing the official and recognised protocols. These are rigorously validated, both internally and through participation in inter-laboratory circuits (ring test)


Using official and standard methods, we determine the characteristics of soil, vegetable oils, wines, water, cereals and derivatives, milk derivatives, zootechnical foods and others.


Due to its advanced instruments (gc/ms/ms, lc/ms/ms/, gc/ms, hplc, gcfid, icp/oes/ icp/ms) this area deals with carrying out analytical tests for the search for plant protection products, mycotoxins, pcb, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, heavy metals and other, mainly with regards to water, soil, waste, mineral oils, fruit and vegetables, cereals and derivatives, zootechnical foods, plastics and objects in contact with food.


With over thirty years of experience in this sector, the laboratory is equipped with constantly updated instruments so as to give results in shorter times and to guarantee with certainty the validity of analytical data.